I'm so immersed in my card making, I haven't had time to write a second post till now!  But I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the generous help I've been receiving from so many sources.  I commenced this year as a novice at card making, but through support now feel part of this lovely 'community'.  Last year I attended a class at U3A - one afternoon a week for six weeks, which was an enjoyable introduction to the world of cards.  This year, I have visited my dear friend Val, who shares her home with a few friends one afternoon a week, and she has taught me so much - I am so indebted to her!  I have thrived under her guidance, and love our afternoons together.  Then there is the internet - for the first time I have turned to the internet to learn a skill:  from Gina K (who seems like an old friend now with her no-nonsense style and approach), to Splitcoastampers, who seem so young and professional I wonder what I'm doing visiting them, but they have such a lot to teach me too, to more local sites, such as Stamp Embellish Create (through Annabelle Stamps) who are equally professional and talented.  So there I am - caught up, or should I say addicted? - but enjoying myself immensely!  My dear husband is so supportive, as always!


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