Hot and Spicy - Less is More challenge #349

Challenge #349 at Less is More is a colour one - the theme is Hot and Spicy!  What fun!  I was thinking food of course, then Mexico, fiestas and the colours so predominant there - red, orange, green - hot and spicy colours.   So coming from that perspective, here is my card:

We can get pretty hot and steamy in Australia of course, but the spice really says Mexico to me.


  1. LUSH spicy colours to your fab card


  2. Super blending in that focal point Ann - it looks like the cactus are shimmering in that desert heat haze! The thin strips of colour on the base card really emphasize the hot shades and the use of the stars is perfect without compromising on any of that yummy white space. Gorgeous card. Thanks so much for joining us at Less is More xx

  3. Such a terrific card. It certainly gives the hot and spicy feel! Thanks for sharing at Less is More!

  4. Wonderful take on our challenge. Beautiful ink blending and love the cacti to bring in the green. Fun design too. Thank you for joining us this week at Less is More.

  5. A great card. Love your use of colours and Cas design


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