Less is More

 A very popular saying in our house over the years, has been:  'less is more'.  It has been the appropriate response in so many situations, and has been given to me by family members as advice for such things as what more to plant, what more to wear, and now, what else does this card need?  I don't think I am very good at either over-decorating (even though I like the effect when others do it) or refining and reducing my designs.  So to push my personal boundaries, I have been looking at the many sites which encourage this style.  One of my favourites is Less is More and their challenge this week is this beauty - the constraint being that the band must remain horizontal, and take up no more than 1/3 of the card.   So easy it seemed, but it sure took me a long time to decide what special image I could place in that band!
Well, here it is -not the best photo, but I hope the effect is clear.  I placed a score line above and below my stamped strip, which I created using the rounded squares from Gina K's 'Lots of Letters' stamp set, which were 2nd generation stamped in tones of pinks and reds.  The central punched heart has been made shiny with glossy accents.


  1. This is such a cool idea - fab card


  2. Yes, cool idea! The card looks shimmery, very nice!

  3. ann this is fab ... love the colour combo and the little hearts

    Thanks for Joining us this week
    Jen xx
    "Less Is More"

  4. This is great Ann, love that inking!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"
    We would be really grateful if you could remove the Word Verification from your blog! Thanks


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